Domeikava mixed choir "Versmė" (Kaunas region, Lithuania)

Mixed choir „Versme“ was founded in 1995. Local people who love singing and music started to come to rehearsals and first Easter Mass of the Resurrection was sung on April. On November choir participated in traditional choirs festival at Rokai, Kauno district.
From the first day choir „Versme“ has it‘s director and conductor Rasa Andriukaitiene. From the 2000‘s to the creative activity of choir joined pianist, International Competition „Music Without Walls“ laureate Rimvydas Kruopis.
Choir „Versme“ with their nice performances shared delight not just with local public at Kaunas district, but also they participate in a different musical projects – festivals, World Lithuanian Song and republican festivals, national Song Festival, Kauno district song festivals. Choir performed musical programs was especially warmly estimated at choir festival „Lietuva brangi“ at Punskas, Poland in 2009, international festival „Cantare in Montagna“ at Wolfsberg, Austria in 2013. In 2014 choir chants rang St. Peter's Lithuanian chapel in Vatican, Italy. Choir won second level diploma at J. Naujalis mixed choir festival – competition in 2004.
In 2002 choir released audio album „Prie Versmes“. The process of new album creation is going on, audio album is dedicated for choir’s creative activity 25 th anniversary. From 2012 choir organizes sacred music festival „Sacrum Convivium“.
Mixed choir „Versme“ joins different ages and professions people who are united by friendship, love for music and choral music. Every year, choir prepare a new concert program organizing celebrations, anniversaries and sightseeing trips.

Contacts:                                                                     The choir leader: Rasa Endriukaitienė
                                                                                     +370 677 58850
Bažnyčios g. 2                                                             E-mail: rasaendri@gmail.com
LT-54066 Domeikava                                                 Concertmaster: Rimvydas Kruopis
Kauno raj., Lithuania                                                  President: Gražina Liutvinskienė
                                                                                     +370 616 01183


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